


Thank you for choosing to support ASARD! We work hard to not only train our dogs as valuable SAR team members, but to care for them as if they were family! Donations help us keep our dogs happy, healthy, and mission ready! Donations are used for a number of things including bringing guest trainers up to Alaska for workshops, to send ASARD members to workshops outside of Alaska, to purchase and maintain search equipment, team uniforms, educational information and materials for both the public and for the ASARD team. Our team works entirely on a volunteer basis so your donations go directly toward education, training, and maintenance.


Alaska Search and Rescue Dogs is a registered 501 c(3) charitable organization. All contributions are tax deductible. (94-3055594)


Donations are gladly accepted by check. Please mail to:

200 West 34th Ave, Suite 655
Anchorage, AK 99503




Shop with our Amazon Smile or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app and AmazonSmile will donates to ASARD at no cost to you! Click on the link below to learn how!





Donate to us directly from your Permanent Fund Dividend. Click the image below for more information.






Donate through Combined Federal Campaign! The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is one of the largest and most successful annual workplace campaigns, raising millions of dollars each year for organizations for those who need it most. As the only authorized charitable solicitation of employees in the federal workplace, the CFC offers access to a critical source of unrestricted funds for participating nonprofits and an inexpensive way to attract new donors. We are listed as "Alaska Search and Rescue Dogs INC" CFC# 60958 | EIN 943055594. Please click on the link below to donate through CFC!