Page Blox

... are Pages whose content is built out of one or more content blocks. The number of blocks per page is unlimited while each page block has its own text editor.

Think of it as having multiple pages merged into one single page. Individual content blox can be rearranged at will while each block acts as a totally independent unit.

Page Blox can go beyond margins!

By default, a single page block is a container without the left and right hand side margin which means that the content will stretch to available viewport width. Top and/or bottom margin of a single page block can be removed!

   Getting narrower...

Vestibulum est velit, dapibus vestibulum neque sed, tincidunt vestibulum quam. Curabitur fringilla volutpat sem, eu elementum turpis eleifend id. Aliquam ut risus a nisi convallis pulvinar. Praesent rutrum gravida diam sit amet consectetur.

   Stretched totally

Proin iaculis nisl facilisis lacus rhoncus condimentum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc cursus neque at malesuada tempor. Proin cursus risus lectus, vitae tincidunt metus laoreet semper.

   Shorter one...

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc cursus neque at malesuada tempor. Aliquam ut risus a nisi convallis pulvinar. Praesent rutrum gravida diam sit amet consectetur.

   Golden middle

Vestibulum est velit, dapibus vestibulum neque sed, tincidunt vestibulum quam. Curabitur fringilla volutpat sem, eu elementum turpis eleifend id malesuada tempor.


Page Blox can have cool backgrounds

The background of each content block can be different. It can be a single photo, tilable image or a plain color. In case you don't like either of these - that's just fine, none of it is obligatory.

Pellentesque rhoncus diam ut massa iaculis consequat. Nulla sit amet sem ut risus congue adipiscing sit amet ut enim. Cras ac malesuada libero. Nullam fermentum sollicitudin erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus.

   Action button

Page Blox supports Shortcodes

Page Blox use native WordPress content/text editor - tinyMCE. Because of the fact that Producr shortcodes collection are a part of tinyMCE, adding shortcode to a page block is a piece of cake.

Integer pharetra fringilla dui a cursus. Proin dui arcu, lacinia quis elit ac, euismod feugiat sapien. Maecenas vitae velit consectetur, faucibus ligula nec, consectetur sapien. Integer aliquam accumsan quam, a venenatis dolor auctor sit amet. Donec rutrum adipiscing congue.

   Mauris cursus gravida lacus
   Et congue eros
   Quisque neque neque
   Utrum vitae augue id
   Tincidunt euismod lectus